Thursday, December 23, 2010


I dont know about you but I love to people watch...and out of the most ridiculous things I ever see is when I see a WANNA BE. It cracks me up...for a minute...and then really pisses me off. I know that people should live there lives the way that they want...and dress the way that they want...but really when you are trying to be something you could never be it is just annoying. I see people trying to portray a life that could never pertain to them. For I saw a young man in what is known as a "rice rocket" bumpin some sort of hard gangsta music wearing what would be described as "vato" style clothing...and the boy was white. Now diversity is just fine...but really how ridiculous does it look for that guy to be driving something that is primarily an Asian ride...listing to music that primarily is about ghetto life...and wearing clothing that is distinguished by Mexican gangsta's while driving though a residential neighborhood where mostly families and old people live...WTF! Now dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with a suped up ride that is intend for street racing, and yes i do enjoy some gangsta rap and listen to it and bump it myself at times, and there is nothing really wrong with the "vato" style but come on all intertwined by a white boy that lives in the "suburbs"! You dont see me in a hoopty bumping country with my eyebrows drawn on with a sharpy wearin a wife beater with a flannel tied around my waist in baggy ass pants do you dont because i would probably get my ass kick for being such a lame ass! There is something wrong with this picture...

                                                    (see....doesnt this look ridiculous!)

Now why would someone do this to themselves you might ask...because some people obviously want to be something that they arent because they are embarrassed or scared to just be themselves and (sorry guys) most guys want to be hard asses (and some girls too...but mostly men) and try to achieve the persona of being a hard ass by identifying themselves with what society sees as threatening. But really is what you see above threatening to you? Now some may say...oh what does it matter if someone wants to dress like this or that and listen to this and that or drive this or that? Let me show you what happens:

                                                            (place your kids face here.)

And this is where I get pissed off. Back in the day a kid would look up to a cowboy, a cop, a fireman, an astronaut, a soldier, and etc. Now-a-days I see kids that (not all) look up to these gangsta rap artists, these "ballers", these "outlaws of society" and think that they have it all figured out and that kind of life is the way to go because they have there fancy cars but most importantly these "outlaws" have "respect". What they dont realize is how hard these "outlaws" live is/was because of where they came from and how their reputation that they have built for themselves follows them for the rest of their life because they "lived the gangsta life". These kids also dont realize that the majority of these people wish there lives could have been different. But no they are cool because they hit bitches, shoot mother fuckers and sell drugs but most importantly they have respect because people are scared of them. And I totally blame parents...yes im a parent and if my kid turns out that will be my fault. I dont care what you say or what excuse you is the parents fault for not instilling moral values, common sense, and in general just not paying attention and letting your kids get away with murder (sometimes literally).

                                                                  (common sense)

Now i could go on and on but like i said i am parent and have better things to pay attention to my kid and start instilling good life lesson in him while he's young. Till next time.