Sunday, April 10, 2011


Our whole younge lives we sit around wait to be old and to grow up to be a man or woman. Some of us think that being a man or a woman consists of having sex and most of us make that mistake of assocciating sex with feeling like a man or woman. Or is it? So the question is now that we are in our late 20's or older what is it that makes you feel the most like a man or a woman? I can tell you that it is not the act of giving birth or being a mother. It is not having a career. It is not having a house or a car or a couch, a wash and dryer, or a anything else like that. All of these things make me feel like an adult but not a woman. Not shaving my legs, or cutting my hair, or waxing, or make-up, or a pretty dress makes me feel like a woman. No it is sex and sex alone that makes me feel like a woman but not just any sex. No it is sex with my husband and my husband alone that makes me feel like a woman. There is nothing like having my husband in between my legs and so on and so forth that makes me feel like a woman should. This is my the question is what is yours? what makes you feel like a man or a woman? I would love to know.